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Free Gear!

gear1After a recommendation from Gavin, our senior patrol leader, it has been decided that rather than just holding our auction at the end of the year, we should do part of the auction in July.

We have put together a budget of around $600.00 for items that will be auctioned off. Items will include basics, as well as some big ticket items. Here are a few examples of what we have in mind…

  • Hydration Packs (water bladders)
  • Mess Kits
  • Trekking Poles
  • Hammocks and LOTs of Accessories
    • straps
    • tarps
    • bug nets
    • etc.
  • Backpacking Accessories

…Just to name a few. We are still sourcing and pricing from a number of different locations and we plan on getting as much as we can for the budget we have put towards this.

What do the boy scouts need to do? They need to turn in their point sheets! Each month every scout should turn in a point sheet so that they can earn points for the auction. How do they earn points you ask? Simple! They earn points by doing things they already do. For example, a scout who shows up to a troop meeting in proper uniform will earn 215 points. To see all the ways scouts can earn points, please check out this year’s point sheet by clicking here. These points will be used like money at the auction to bid on items.

If you have equipment that you would like to donate to the troop for the auction, please contact either Gain or myself.

I will not accept any sheets more than 2 months old. For example, at this point in time (June 1st), I will only accept sheets for April and May. This is an easy and FREE way for scouts to get equipment that will last them for the rest of their life so please turn in your sheets so that you can earn your points.

2 thoughts on “Free Gear!

    1. Not for this one unfortunately. However, we should talk sometime. We might be able to join forces later on and do something with multiple troops. Logistics would need to be worked out, but I could see it being a fun event!

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