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Spring Camp 2016 Report

We recently had a week-long camping trip at T. Brady Saunders. It was one of the most fun camping trips I’ve ever had. We all had a great time and we also got a lot of merit badges too.

The week started out when we all met at the church in the morning. We had to make sure that we had everyone there and we had to figure out who would be riding in what car. Me and Gavin rode with Brother Bradshaw. Before we left we took a picture and then we were off.

It took about an hour or so to get there. We had to stop at a sports and outdoors place to pick up some stuff for the propane lantern. While we were sitting in their cars we got to here the “wonderful” sound of Charlie singing “Found a Peanut” over the walkie-talkie while we waited.

When we got there we went to the front office to get checked in. We all got red wrist-bands which showed that our campsite was Overstreet. When we got to our campsite we picked out our tents. The tents were raised of the ground and has a wind-proof/water-resistant canvas, wooden floors and two cots. Honestly they gave me one of the best camp sleeping experiences ever.

After we set up camp we had to go to opening flag ceremony in front of the mess hall. There we did a traditional flag ceremony and then we were introduced to the camp’s director: Mic. He gave us the normal welcoming speech and told us about the camp and the rules. After that we had a wonderful lunch cooked by the kitchen staff.

After we all headed out to class. There was a bit of confusion in the coking merit badge class. The camp had accidentally let seventeen people sign-up for cooking instead of eight. The people who got kicked out of cooking were got a free hat and got their money back.

After classes we played ga-ga ball. It’s a really fun game and I got pretty good at it. Here’s a Wikipedia article on it

That night we had closing flag ceremony and had another good meal. after dinner we did some more ga-ga ball and back at camp we talked a bit about our day and decided to go to the game night at the mess hall and play D&D(Dungeons and Dragons). We spent the entire night making our characters and talking.

After game night it we all went to bed but there was a problem with cold. The night started out fine but then it got cold and everyone was curled up in their sleeping bags trying to keep warm.

Tuesday morning we all woke up well rested even though it was cold that night. It was still cold in the morning but not as cold as it was at night. We all got dressed in our tents and went to opening flag ceremony and had breakfast.

At breakfast Mic announced that they had opened up a second rifle shooting class for the people who got kicked out of cooking class and that only the people who got kicked out could sign up until lunch when it would be open to everyone.

After classes and lunch we were talking at camp and John picks up this long slithery thing and says

“This is the biggest earthworm I’ve ever seen.”

It turned out that it was a snake and not an earthworm. We all had a good laugh and went off to play Ga-ga.

That night we went to the mess hall again and worked on our D&D characters some more.

When we went to bed it was about the same temperature as the night before and, once again we were all balled up in our sleeping bags.

Wednesday morning was warmer that Tuesday morning but still relatively cold. The routine was the same as all the other days with only a few things out of the ordinary. The first one was at lunch when they gave us these gross lemon flavored raisins. So many people didn’t like them that one kid was collecting them for his collections merit badge class.

The other one happened after Beckette left for CPR certification class. Gavin, Charlie, Brother Foster and me played card games. I utterly lost. We also worked some more on our D&D characters that night.

When we went to bed it was a pretty good temperature through the whole night. That was the first of many warm nights.

2016-03-30 19.08.38 (Large)Thursday was a pretty good day(they were all good days) it was pretty normal until after classes. That day we were working on a First Class requirement that required you to pull some one out of the water with a rope to shore. The camp had let us use their lake for this requirement. We knew that the lake wasn’t going to be warm but we didn’t know it was going to be this cold. We all had hilarious reactions but Josh’s was the best by far. When he jumped in you could immediately tell he was surprised by the cold but that was normal. The funny part was when he got out. At first he just stood still and them suddenly screamed,”COLD!” and ran to the end of the pier. Afterwards Bother Foster told us that we could have passed it off on land!

That night we played capture the flag with the other troops in our campsite. It was a lot of fun and the troops got to know each other better.

After capture the flag we played D&D and had a lot of fun.

Before we went to bed the leaders told us to put our gear in the middle of the tent away from the walls because it was going to rain that night. After that we settled down in our cots an went to sleep.

Friday was officially the last day of camp but not for us, we were staying an extra day so we could qualify for OA (Order of the Arrow) elections. It was poring in the morning but thankfully it let down so we could get to breakfast. The day was pretty rushed and cramped together so the day went by pretty fast. After lunch camp officially ended and we had the camp all to ourselves.

After camp ended we had an Easter party of sorts policy of Sister Bradshaw. Brother Bradshaw had set up the troop’s cardboard cutout Sasquatch A.K.A “Squatch” and put bunny glasses on him. We each got a bag full of candy and my personal favorite: a giant chocolate covered homemade peanut butter Easter egg! Afterwards we posed for pictures next to “Squatch” with our Easter candy and Brother Bradshaw even put on the bunny glasses to,”appease the “Wife”.”

We talked and played ga-ga the rest of the afternoon and did some other stuff.

That evening we set up a table by the trading post (the camp store) and John got out 3 boxes of pizza. As expected we ate it all and during dinner were played Werewolf for at least two hours. If you want to know what Werewolf is click on this

Later that night we played D&D again and once again had a lot of fun. After we finished the leaders told us it was going to rain again that night so we should do the same thing we did last night.

When we woke up Saturday morning it was raining but not as hard as Friday morning. Anyway we all headed down to the trading post to get breakfast from John. The breakfast was Krispy Kream donuts! While we were eating breakfast Charlie and Brother Bradshaw were taking apart the propane lantern. While Brother Bradshaw was telling Charlie not to let the propane out Brother Bradshaw let the propane out. After we got all the stuff out of the area were the propane flew out. We joked about the camp saying things like,”We leave you alone for one day and you blow up the trading post!” and other stuff like that.

After breakfast it was all business. We got camp cleaned up in about two hours. After that we had to get all our gear into the cars and then it was time to go.

As you know we got back safe and sound but, Brother Bradshaw got lost but he found his way back.

Overall it was a great spring campout and well worth the two cold nights. Well this is John A. signing off.


Final Details for Spring Camp

Hello Everyone!

Spring camp is only a few days away and I wanted to take the time to get you all the final details you will need as scouts and parents.

Basic Details

  • Drop Off Date: Monday March 28, 2016 at 9am
  • Drop Off Location: Church
  • Pick Up Time: Saturday April 2, 2016 at 10am
  • Pick Up Location: Church
  • Cost: $50 due at Drop Off

Packing List

  • Pack—Footlockers are not suggested 1
  • Sleeping Bag or 2 Sheets & Blanket 1
  • Flashlight (batteries available at the Trading Post) 1
  • Full Scout Field Uniform (keep weather in mind) 1
  • Comfortable Walking Shoes/ shoes for in your campsite 1 pair
  • Underwear (shorts, shirts, socks) 7 sets
  • Extra Clothing (shorts, pants, shirts) 3 each
  • Cap (Hat) and Jacket 1 each
  • Swim Trunks 1
  • Rain Gear 1
  • Bath Towel/ Wash Cloth/ Soap 1 each
  • Toothbrush/ Toothpaste 1 each
  • Brush or Comb 1
  • Digital Camera (required for Photography) 1
  • Scoutbook

Medical Forms

As mentioned before, scouts MUST have current BSA medical forms including parts A, B and C. If your scout does not have this, he will not be allowed in camp.

You can find a copy of the medical forms by clicking here.

Merit Badge Prerequisites

Please find the merit badges you are taking in the list found here to see if there are any prereq’s you should be aware of. A lot of them can be finished in the troop after camp, but be aware that the merit badge will not be completed until they are done.


As always, if you have any questions, please let us know!

Personal Fitness Reminder

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to remind everyone that is doing the personal fitness merit badge to put together a fitness program/plan (requirement 7). You can use the worksheet found HERE to not only work on your plan, but keep track though out the 12 week process.

Make sure you plan is approved by Brother Stinson before starting the 12 week process. Also remember to work with your parents and get your body measurements. If you have any questions, please let Brother Stinson know. He is more than happy to help.

We will meet again in about 3 months to finally finish this merit badge up. Remember you Life Scouts, you can start working on your projects during this time. 🙂

2016 Merit Badge Weekend Signup

MBW Signup

Update: Official registration for this event has been closed by the district. However, we are still going to try to get in. Please register so we know how many spots to ask for. If for whatever reason, the merit badge (and backup) you pick is no longer available, I will reach out to you to find a replacement.

To sign up, click the big red button above.

Hello Everyone,

I hope this email/post finds you all well!

I wanted to take a quick moment and let you know that Merit Badge Weekend (MBW) registration is now open. MBW is a great opportunity for scouts to earn a merit badge and go camping.

Eleven Year Old scouts are welcome to attend as long as they have a parent or guardian (father, grandfather, uncle, brother over 18, etc) camp with them.

This event always fills up quickly, so please register soon!

  • Location: T. Brady Saunders
  • Drop Off Location: Church
  • Drop Off Time: 5pm on Friday April 8th, 2016
  • Pick Up Location: Church
  • Pick Up Time: 10pm on Saturday April 9th, 2016 (Depending on Campfire Time)
  • Cost: $10 per scout (Troop is paying 1/2 of the $20 fees)


Yours in Scouting,

Spring Order of the Arrow – New Brotherhood Members

I am honored by having the opportunity to talk about our scouts and other leaders in our troop and I would like to congratulate Charlie, Gavin and Gain for sealing their membership in the Order of the Arrow this past weekend by obtaining Brotherhood along with myself.


While there were a few moments of hardship and sweat, all that attended were able to advance to Brotherhood inside of the Order of the Arrow.

It truly was an honor to advance with these fine Arrowmen and I look forward to our other Arrowmen sealing their membership in the coming year.

We also want to take a quick moment to thank Mike for joining us Saturday afternoon and being there for his fellow troop members.

For those that are unaware of what the Order of the Arrow is, please see my post here as I talk about my feelings towards the OA and what it means.

Yours in Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahemui,
John Oliver

February 2016 Camping Trip Recap

The camping trip for this February was an unusual camp out because we were camping so close to the church on the Holle property.

The evening started out with the unloading of the food and the unpacking of our gear.  Andrew, the meal planer for this trip, bought the food. After we set up the tents we went into the gym and played some basketball and volleyball. For dinner we had Neil cook up some hamburgers and we were unexpectedly joined by the bishop; Shane Roland. After dinner we played some more basketball.

Later that night we played Manhunt. It was really fun because the “Hunters” got to use John’s walkie-talkies. Gavin and Bekkette were the best “Hiders”, although Neil and I (John A.) found a pretty good hiding spot in the woods behind the Eagle’s Nest.  After three or four rounds of Manhunt we returned to the church and played a few rounds of Werewolf then we retired for the night.

In the morning we had breakfast of eggs, pancakes, bacon, and biscuits in the gym. Breakfast was cooked by Bekkette and Gavin. During breakfast Brother Bradshaw showed us a cardboard box and told us his wife had sent it with him for us. We didn’t find out what was in it until later.  After some basketball it was time to do some road clean up. We were separated into teams of two. Each team got a walkie-talkie to keep up with the other teams.  We found some pretty interesting things:

  • 5 “P-bombs”
  • 2 deer skulls and a deer leg bone
  • a bag of old groceries
  • a message in a bottle that said:

   “Please put pull-ups in driver’s side of the van , thank you.”

The clean-up took about two to three hours and I think we all had a great time. When we got back to the church Brother Bradshaw opened the box and revealed it was full of candy. After that we took down our tents and we had a lunch of sandwiches and OJ. We all left around 1p.m. Overall, it was a good but unusual camping trip.

OA Chapter Notes – March 2016

March Chapter Meeting


OA reps AND/OR Arrowmen (if OA rep from troop is not attending meeting), please share this information with your troops OA members.  


  • Chapter Camping Trip
    • On Friday March 4th @ 5p.m.-Sunday March 6th @12 p.m (THIS WEEKEND). will be the first of many chapter camping trips. YOUR $20 fee covers everything, including food. We will meet at the far end of the TBS Administration parking lot. IF YOU CANNOT MAKE THAT TIME… Let me know. We’ll have other vehicles there to take you at 6 or later. DO NOT DRIVE to the site. We have very limited parking (we need to observe the owners request- thank you) Let us know what you need. The equipment will be loaded up in a troop trailer and taken to the site. Please come join us for hiking, fishing fellowship and relaxing. If you want to work on a merit badge… great. If you want to teach others a skill… great. The only structure we will have is basic meal times and perhaps a camp fire program in the pavilion on Saturday. THIS IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT.
    • In addition to more than 300 acres of common area, Breeze Hill’s amenities include access to three lakes for fishing (the largest lake covers more than 6 acres) and a lakefront pavilion named after Dwight D. Eisenhower, who visited the site in the 1950s. (After he left the White House and retired to a Pennsylvania farm, Eisenhower bought his first Black Angus bull from the Breeze Hill farm.
    • We will return to TBS on Sunday @10 a.m.
    • If you can teach a merit badge, please LET US KNOW
    • If you can teach any skill, interest, hobby, job, career, life skills, anything, please LET US KNOW on the google form.
    • If you would like to be an Adult or Youth Grub master, please let us know.
    • If you would like to Help with meals, please let us know.
    • Please sign up NOW!


  • March Service Weekend


    • March 11-13 @ TBS
    • We will receive special prize for having most registered to conclave! REGISTER TODAY!!!



    • VOLLEYBALL AND LODGE BALL SATURDAY NIGHT! Bring your workout shoes and compete!
    • Bring blank plain color T-shirt to service weekend for silk screenings.
    • Bring your Toda and best Apollo impression to the service weekend.
    • Bring your old stuffed animals for the Conclave service project!
      • Bring 3 stuffed animals and get special patch!
    • If you are eligible for brotherhood, please come and complete your membership.
    • Counts as community service hours towards school and OA


  • Conclave


      • Hosted by Tutelo Lodge from April 29-May 1 @ Camp Powhatan
      • New for 2016: Top Shot Competition!
      • We will receive special prize for having most registrations by March Service Weekend!
      • Sign up NOW with your Mobile device:




  • Dues


    • Please pay your 2016 dues NOW! Look at your OA member card expiration date to see if you are still up to date.
    • It’s only $15 for a full year of dues!
    • please pay here:
  • Staff 2016 TBS Camp!
    • Serving on Camp Staff for the summer is a blast! Friendships and memories are formed that will last a lifetime! Spend a summer working in the outdoors, teaching merit badges, providing program instruction or providing invaluable services in our support areas. Be a part of the team and have an awesome summer at Camp T. Brady Saunders!
    • Application here:
    • Contact with any questions you may have.
  • Remind
    • Text “81010”
    • With message “@chapter7”
    • Please make sure you sign up for the remind service (best way to get info to YOU)
  • Join Chapter 7 on facebook
    • Search Pamunkey Chapter 7 on facebook
  • Lodge annual passes are here!


Ryan Mayer – Chapter Chief
Pramodh Jacob – Vice Chief of the Program
Kyle Hoffman –  Vice Chief of Administration
Ray Ferguson – Chapter Advisor, Vigil Honor recipient

Trip Information: February 2016 Camping Trip

Camping Trip Signup

Howdy Everyone!

I hope this email/post finds you all well!

As you may have seen on our calendar, we have a camping trip this weekend! It is officially our first trip of the year since our last one was canceled due to snow.

We will be working on cleaning up the road next to church (the troop adopted Scotchtown Rd many years ago) as well as working on wrapping up the personal fitness merit badge.

Here are the details you will need:

  • Location: Holle Property
  • Drop Off Location: Church
  • Drop Off Time: 5pm on Friday the 26th
  • Pick Up Location: Church
  • Pick Up Time: 1pm on Saturday the 27th
  • Cost: $10 per scout

If you live in Caroline and need a ride, please contact Brother Foster as he may be able to help.

We are aware that there are scouts that need to attend the basketball games (2pm) at the stake center. Because of this, we are ending earlier than normal to allow for transportation to the games. Parents will need to provide/arrange rides to the games from the church.

We are finishing the personal fitness merit badge on this trip. Make sure that you bring running shoes and DON’T forget your workbooks!

Also, because we are doing road clean up, please bring long pants (it’s still winter you know) and shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Gloves would also be a good idea!

We are requiring that all scouts sign up using the link/button above. This is so that we can get an accurate headcount and to ensure that we get the right amount of food. Please sign up early!

As always, if you have any questions, please let me know!

Eleven Year Old First Aid Signup

First Aid Signup

firstaidAs you may have seen on the calendar, we have a stake 11yo scout activity coming up that will be covering most (if not all) of the first aid requirements. This event is designed to be very hands on and a great learning opportunity. Because of this, even if your scout has already passed off the requirements, I highly recommend that all of our 11yo scouts attend. First aid is one of the most important skills a scout can learn and hands on practice can make the world of a difference.

Location: Monument Building
Date: Friday February 19th, 2016
Time: 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
What to Bring: Scout Uniform, First Aid Kit, and Scout Book

I will be there teaching all things blood while other leaders and volunteers will be teaching other aspects of the requirements. We have been asked to give them a head count as quickly as possible so that they can better plan the schedule for the night.

If you would be so kind as to fill in the following form to sign your scout up, that would be much appreciated…

First Aid Signup

If you have any questions, please feel free to call/email me. Thanks!

Important: 2016 Merit Badge University Signup

Register Here

We were just given the information for merit badge university. For those that don’t know, merit badge university is a program put on by the stake to give scouts an opportunity to earn merit badges. In the past, it was an event that took place on two Saturdays, however this year it is only on one.

  • Date: February 20th, 2016
  • Time: 8:45am to Noon
    • Class 1: 9am to 10:30
    • Class 2: 10:30 to Noon
  • Cost: Free!
  • Location: Monument Building

Here are the merit badges that are being offered:

  • Citizenship in the Community
  • Citizenship in the Nation
  • Citizenship in the World
  • Communications
  • Family Life
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Personal Management
  • Personal Fitness

This is a great opportunity for newer scouts (including eleven year old scouts) to get a jump start on their eagle required merit badges.

I have looked through the records, and a few of you only have a couple needed. If your name does not show up in the list, than you are fine picking whatever merit badge looks interesting to you.

  • Beckette
    • Emergency Preparedness
  • Parker
    • Citizenship in the Community
    • Citizenship in the Nation
  • Jacob
    • Citizenship in the Nation
    • Citizenship in the Nation
    • Communication

Again, if your name is not in the list, please feel free to pick what you want to take if you need any of them at all.

How to sign up!

To sign up, click here and fill out the form. Because of a communication issue, we got this information a little late and I need to submit this back to them as soon as possible. Because of this, I have put a deadline of Sunday night on this. If you sign up after that, I am not sure if I will be able to get you in.

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