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Inside Looking Out – What I Know Now

I am going to start this article off by being 100% frank. If you know me, you know that I am never afraid to speak my mind and that I don’t beat around the bush. Here it is…

I thought the Order of the Arrow was a joke. I thought it was borderline disrespectful towards Native Americans. I thought that in an organization that has always been against “clubs” and other “secret groups”, that this was in a way, shameful to promote.

emblem_old_colorWhile I had heard of the Order of the Arrow and participated in a troop election when 2 of our troop members were elected, I frankly never paid attention to what it was all about. My first real experience with the Order came when I attended my first scout camp at Shenandoah as a new Assistant Scoutmaster (yes first, I never attended as a youth). At one of the campfires, they called for silence during what they called a “call out” ceremony. All of a sudden I notice all the sashes and the people wearing them. Next thing I knew, people in Native American regalia start going on about some story that I did not pay attention too because I was finding it hard to take what they were talking about and wearing seriously. They brought forward several scouts and after finishing their script, they all marched away.
Now I understand that my thinking that way was short minded. I had not seen that kind of regalia used since I was a Cub Scout watching an Arrow of Light ceremony. Even then, it was hard to focus on the message being given for the same reason (granted I was 8 or 9 then and have no excuse as an adult).

After going through training, working with other troops and doing my own research, I finally started to figure out what I saw and what the Order is about. It was a shock to me because our troop – other than one election – had never talked about, been affiliated with or knew about (minus a few people) what it was while I was a youth.

pix_osashI don’t like secrets! Even after being recently elected by fellow adults in the troop, I still had no real understanding of the true history of the Order or why there was so much Native American influence (I only knew why it was around and that it was the national honor society for the Boy Scouts of America). I also had no idea why no one was willing to talk about it. That all changed when I went on my Ordeal with Gavin and Parker back in March.

Let me get something clear for all of you wondering, the Order of the Arrow is NOT a secret society. It’s history, reason and mission is public and any member that says otherwise needs to be corrected. A lot of bad stigma can come from being unclear about what is “secret” and what is not. The only truly safeguarded part of the Order of the Arrow is the ceremonies used after the public call-out ceremony as well as the “Ordeal” process itself. The primary reason for this is to help boys feel a part of a brotherhood, something special, and honored. Never once during the ceremonies that I was a part of during my Ordeal weekend did I feel that it was “too much” or inappropriate.

Any parent, scout or leader that has questions about the Order of the Arrow, please feel free to contact me (info found here). I will do my best (being new and all) to answer any questions I can or direct you to the lodge in your area so that they can help you.

To all Arrowmen, don’t support the stigma that this is a secret organization and in turn make other scouts, parents or leaders feel like the Order is not a safe, or honorable part of the Boy Scouts of America. Be ambassadors to the true meaning of the Order of the Arrow.

I encourage all scouts, parents, leaders and anyone not affiliated with scouting to please read each section found under the “About” menu on the official site for the Order of the Arrow. I especially wish to ask that all Arrowmen, new or long time members to please read it as well. If you are part of a troop that does not have any participation in the Order, please contact your local lodge or chapter to find out how to hold elections. Help recognize the boys who truly uphold the meaning of the scout oath and law and help them understand that it’s a way of life, not a chore.

Yours in the Brotherhood of Cheerful Service,

Memorial Day 2015

As this Memorial Day comes to an end, on behalf of everyone in Troop 767, thank you! Thank you to all that serve or have served in our armed forces. Thank you for protecting our freedoms! Thank you to all the families of those who serve and for your sacrifice. We wish everyone currently serving God speed and a safe return.

Why I’m not an Eagle Scout

The following article is the work of Jason F. Wright and the original post can be found on his blog here.

I remember the first time I put on a Scouting uniform. My mother hadn’t even ironed on the patches yet, but as a young Cub Scout, the shirt had the unmistakable power of making me stand a little bit taller.

One day a week I took a different bus after school, one that would drop me off near our den mother’s home in Charlottesville, Va. I loved to sprint the two long blocks to the divine Doneitta Quillon’s house to meet my fellow young rabble-rousers. Doneitta put up with so much, was so patient and long-suffering, she could have taught the prophet Job a thing or two.

noeagleI progressed through the program, earning merit badges and developing friendships. Once I advanced from Cubs to Boy Scouts, however, my interest began to wane. I plodded along, but life presented distractions that were difficult to ignore. I discovered cars, music, tennis and theater. Most importantly, I learned that my parents had been involved in a great conspiracy, a cover-up, a scandal that rocked our family to its core.

Girls, it turns out, were not as repulsive as I’d been taught.

By the time I turned 16 and should have been knee-deep in an Eagle project, I was beginning to date, drive and immerse myself in after-school activities. During that same year, I said goodbye to my father, which only added to my excuses for drifting away from the Scouting program.

Even when I did attend Scouts, nothing was exciting enough to keep me there. Campouts were too structured, meetings too rigid and the uniform I’d worn with pride looked out of place under my ultra-cool stonewashed denim jacket.

I recall with embarrassment when a good friend invited me to help with his Eagle project. I agreed to assist, but when I arrived on site, the landscaping and beautification objectives seemed too small, too insignificant.

“This is it?” I thought, and at the first opportunity I disappeared to comb the mall for friends and oversized salted pretzels.

It’s not that I didn’t want to serve or do good in the world; I did. I’d grown up seeing my father perform the most incredible acts of service. I saw lots of little ones: opening doors, changing tires and giving rides, but it was his heroic made-for-TV moments I most admired.

I was less interested in the Scout slogan of doing a good turn daily and more keen to change the world all at once. I was convinced that I was bigger than the program. I didn’t need a handbook to tell me what to do; I could figure it out on my own, thank you very much.

But while I waited for opportunities big enough for my vision of service, my vision missed the small moments my Scouting friends seized each and every day. Those who became Eagle Scouts while I was just a spectator on the ground didn’t just recite the Boy Scout oath, they lived it.

Their eyes were constantly open to service, and it didn’t matter whether anyone else was watching. It certainly made no difference whether or not they’d earn a merit badge for their efforts.

They were strong and noble. They were Eagle Scouts.

It’s been 20 years since my decision to let the Scouting program pass me by. For most of those years, I didn’t wonder what could have been. But today, now serving as a Scout leader and with a brand new Cub Scout of my own at home, I regret how much longer it’s taken me to appreciate the art of service.

Nevertheless, despite the time and hurdles, I’m pleased to say that I’m finally getting there. Through family, research and writing, I’m learning the value of daily sacrifice, the blessings that come from performing small service miracles every day.

So as I watch my son embrace Scouting the way I first did, I pray the passion continues into his teens.

As I cheer him on, I hope he is motivated to become an Eagle one day. Not because I want it for him, and not because the award itself will change his life, but because being an Eagle Scout is a signal to the world that you’ve learned the most valuable lessons of life much earlier than most.

My son knows I would give anything to go back in time, to put on that shirt with all its colorful patches and to stand a little taller. But he also knows that while I cannot relive the past and become an Eagle Scout, I can sure live like one. And so can you.

As I treasure his long ride from child to adult, I will remind him that becoming an Eagle Scout is not the end of becoming a service-minded man, it’s the beginning.

May 2015 Newsletter

We are happy to release our newest newsletter for the month of May. You can view the newsletter by clicking the following link…

May 2015 Newsletter

We want to thank all the scouts and leaders that have submitted articles for our newsletter! We hope you enjoy the newsletter and we look forward to you reading it.

You can read all of our other newsletters by clicking here.

In the Woods Near a River that Once had a Swing

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Charlie’s Tooth Mark in Jacobs Shoulder

Once upon a time (specifically February 6th & 7th, 2015) in Caroline Pines there was a scout troop. The first day we played capture the flag. In that game Charlie tackled Jacob and knocked him over (some how leaving a tooth mark in Jacob’s shoulder). For dinner, John prepared a fantastic foil meal of smoked chicken, pan roasted potatoes, onions, and green beans. We slept pretty good that night and woke up to a wonderful breakfast scramble made by our teamwork and John.

After eating we visited a tree at a nice river that used to have a rope swing, however it was removed in years past. The river was nice and relatively IMG_7847clear. After the visit to the river we went back to camp where we relaxed, played some games, and talked while Neil cooked our fantastic lunch. The lunch was a stir fry with steak and was very tasty and the sauce was amazing. The camp out was fun and a success, everyone had fun. The camp out was a little cold at night and in the morning but warm in the after noon. We then packed up trying to make it look like we were never there like the outdoor code says, “leave no trace.”


The scouts had a good time there. We got some experience and chances to test and try things that we have learned during our scouting adventure.

A Modern Look at Camping


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A few weeks ago (April 10th & 11th) we had a refresher in what it feels like to live in the modern age. That’s right for those of you who guessed it, we slept indoors during a camp-out. A normally sacrilegious practice among our scout leaders, the decision was made that it was more convenient for our time schedule to sleep in one of the house that neighbored our scout activity. On the first day of shoulder tearing enjoyment we played Disk Golf. I would like to point out that it is not called Frisbee golf as many casual players call it but instead Disk Golf. We started at hole one and it became quickly apparent that our skills at Disk Golf, Nay, at Frisbee itself were lacking. Most of the holes we had to beat were at about four par, or we had four shots to pass the hole. On average it took six to seven throws for our adept players and at a max of 16 for our newbies. As we continued we felt each throw in our arms and as the day settled we finished the holes with Gavin, our senior patrol leader, lead at the top of the scoreboard.

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Gain found his look-alike!

We retired to the “campsite” in which a feast of plenty was made before us. Soon to follow was the normal games that followed a scouting event. Early the next morning, we awake to the call of our assistant scout master. We were rushed outside into the car hoping to make it to the fly fishing event on time. We made it with a little time to spare. Much of the events in the ride there were lost due to my inability to stay awake. At the fly fishing festival our arm strength, finger dexterity, and ecological knowledge were put to the test as we earned our fishing merit badge. I will say that the sheer amount of people there surprised me but, I cannot say that the skill there was lacking. as we ended I ran across a rare treasure that I was able to partake in an in-person demonstration by Lefty Kreh, a world renowned fly fisher, that could out fish some of the best there at the age of 89 with only half a rod. As the cherry on the day we were treated to our hard work with each a half gallon of Slurpee.

2015 Spring Court of Honor

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We normally hold 3 to 4 court of honors each year. Tonight, we were able to recognize scouts who had earned not only merit badges, but rank advancement as well!

We congratulate the following scouts for their accomplishments:

  • Parker
    • Life Scout Rank
    • Communications MB
    • Photography MB
    • Cooking MB
  • Michael
    • Scout Rank
  • Gavin
    • Fishing MB
    • Cooking MB
  • Charlie
    • Photography MB
  • Beckette
    • Cooking MB

Unfortunately unable to attend, we also wish to recognize Caelan for earning his Scout rank.

We are happy that some cubs, and a good number of parents were able to attend this Court of Honor. We also thank the cubs that did attend for helping with our flag ceremony. We hope to see you all at our next Court of Honor!

IMG_8401 (Large)We also had the pleasure of having a member of the council join us to give us a presentation about Friends of Scouting.

For any of you unaware, Friends of Scouting is the Heart of Virginia Council’s annual giving campaign and is the largest and most important source of funding. Your support enables Scouting’s programs and outdoor adventures to prepare young people for a lifetime of character and leadership.

Once again we congratulate all of the scouts for the hard work they have put in!


It is here. Welcome to the new Troop Website!

I am happy to say that the new public troop website is live and ready for use. There are still many things that need to be added to the site, but a majority of it has been finished. Please feel free to browse around and comment as you see fit.

Our new troop website will act as an easy way for parents to stay informed about upcoming events, news and other important information. Our old site for parents is still live and will still continue to be the primary way we track advancement for our scouts. If you don’t have access to our other site, please let me know and I will create an account for you (you must be a leader or a parent of a scout).

If you got an email about this post, you have already been subscribed to receive updates when new posts are added. We will try not to spam you, but you should expect a post or two each week. You have the option to unsubscribe, but we would rather you not. If you feel you are getting too many emails, please contact me and we will make arrangements. We feel it is better for you to get more information rather than less regarding activities and news about the troop.

We hope that you enjoy the site and visit it often. I feel that if you do, many of the past miscommunications regarding dates and other things will be negated.

If you have any recommendations for the site, please let me know. We want to make this an asset for parents and people affiliated with the troop.

Yours in W.W.W, Scouting, and the Gospel,
John Oliver

Spring 2015 Fundraiser

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I want to take a quick moment and thank all the parents, leaders, and ward members that assisted with our troop fundraiser over the weekend. While it was a very rocky affair with last minuet drop-outs and weather issues postponing the race, the troop was still able to walk away with $1,100.00.

We thank everyone that has donated time, or money in an effort to allow our boys to go to scout camp, and high adventure trips.

We look forward to seeing you all at the next fundraiser in September on the 11th and 12th!

What is the Scouting Program – Duty to God

While putting this site together, I came across this great video that truly points out what the scouting program is and why our Church has made it the official program for not only young men, but for our primary boys as well.

I encourage you to watch the following video and discuss what the true meaning of the scouting program is with your sons. Help them understand that the program is not just about showing up Wednesday nights. It’s about making God, the Scout Law and Oath truly mean something more than just words on paper. It is about making the fundamentals of scouting part of our lives, and helping everyone we encounter aware of what scouting really means.

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