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Spring Camp Registration

Hello Everyone,

I hope this email/post finds you all well!

We were going to talk about this at the committee meeting, but since we pushed it back to the 24th, I figured it would be best if we go ahead and send an email out.

We sent a survey out a few weeks back and asked if you would prefer summer camp, or spring camp. The majority of the responses were in favor of doing spring camp. Next, we need to figure out who is attending and if they are attending as a the merit badge program, or going to help as camp volunteers.

If you already know your scouts are attending, please fill out this survey so we can start getting a head count.

Here are the basics you need to know at this point in time.

Date: March 28th to April 2nd
Fee: $50
Possible Merit Badges Earned: 5
Medical Forms Required: Parts A, B and C
Attendance Options: CIT/Unpaid Staff (Free) or Normal Attendee (Fee Listed Above)

We are aware that the 2nd is also the same day as General Conference. We plan on leaving early enough to be back at the church (or other planned drop-off location) with plenty of time for the scouts to reach their planned viewing destination.

The final merit badge list and merit badge registration won’t be available until March 2nd. However we do plan on signing up before then to ensure our spot.

Camp itself is charging us $180 per scout (compared to $295 for summer camp). This fee includes meals, camp services, awards and other activities. There may be small additional fees for certain merit badges (cooking, rifle/shotgun, etc.). Thanks to the fantastic support from church members, scouts, parents and friends, the troop will be paying the majority of the camp fee. Because of this, each scout will only need to pay $50 for camp (plus any additional fees for certain merit badges – normally less than $20).

It is important that we get a headcount soon so that we can move forward with camp registration in the next few weeks. Here is a list of scouts that I highly recommend attending the merit badge program and not as a CIT/unpaid staff.

  • Jacob
  • Andrew
  • Seth
  • Connor
  • John
  • Laz
  • Michael

You all have a few merit badges left for Eagle and attending and participating in the merit badge program could potentially give you 5 more merit badges that you need. Once merit badge registration opens, we will sit down with you all and go over what you need and what merit badges you want to take.

If you are interested in earning Eagle Palms (5 extra merit badges – you don’t have to be an eagle to start working on them), this would be a fantastic opportunity for you as well.

If you are interested in the CIT/Staff program, please contact me.

Register Here

As always, if you have any questions about this or any other scout related thing, please feel free to contact me.

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