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The Troop Committee

The Troop Committee is your scout troop’s partner. The Troop committee is responsible for securing trained individuals for scout leadership. While our troop adult leadership positions are called of God, they still need to be trained in the scouting program. The area council makes training courses available to all leaders, and the committee notifies each leader of the training that they need, to be able to fulfill their callings.

The Troop committee is responsible for seeing that all scout leaders are registered with the area council. This includes completing applications and seeing that each leader completes the required “youth protection training,” then getting that information to the area council.

Your scouts have several responsibilities and opportunities during their participation in scouting. In order to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, each scout must complete several merit badge requirements. The scout must meet with a merit badge counselor in order to complete each merit badge. The Troop committee is responsible for maintaining a merit badge counselor list.

The scout must complete rank requirements while climbing the ladder to Eagle Scout. Your troop committee must meet with each scout, after he has accomplished all of the rank requirements, in a meeting called a “Board of Review”. A board of review cannot be held with less than 3 board members.

Each troop must complete what is called a “Recharter” annually. It is the Troop committee chairman’s responsibility to complete this. It includes updating the troop roster of leaders and boys. If any new leaders or boys are not listed on the roster, the chairman must get the required applications and other paperwork to the council with the recharter. The chairman must attend Council meetings to pick up and turn in this recharter once it is completed. If our troop does not complete this recharter, then our troop is no longer able to operate as a troop. The boys will not be able to receive awards, merit badges, or rank patches and pins. Essentially, we cease to exist.

The Troop committee normally meets once a month on a Wednesday night. All scout parents and leaders are invited and highly encouraged to attend in order to find out what their scout is doing. These are great planning meetings. If you want to know what’s happening in the troop and voice your input, please make a point to attend these meeting.

If you are interested in joining the committee, or helping with other adult leadership positions, please feel free to contact us.

As of writing this article, our next committee meeting is set to be on November 11th, 2015. Please check the calendar often for other upcoming meetings.

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